If you are an IAFF 7th District member (Washington, Alaska, Idaho, or Montana) use the form below to register for free access to this site.
All other users may register and create an account. You will be required to pay $5.00 per year for access to the PIIERS system.
Once you have created a login, if you have difficulty logging on, please call the WSCFF at 360-943-3030 or email us at info@wscff.org for assistance. Do not create another profile or the system will lock you out. Thank you.
If you are looking up your past entries, be sure to set a date range in the search box by clicking on the calendar, or they may not show up.
If you still cannot find your data, please call us as you may have inadvertently established more than one logon. We can assist in fixing it - your data will not be lost.